Day one The Garden Diet 21 Day Cleanse

I am looking forward to feeling great inside and out! I have been vegetarian for most of my adult life. I have been gradually turned off by dairy produce over the last couple of years. On the 1st of April this year I became dairy free/Vegan and cut out caffeine. I have been increasing the amount of raw foods I eat since becoming dairy free. I have lost 18 pounds in weight although this was not my reason for a change in diet it is a very welcomed side effect. After the initial detox symptoms I have increased energy and feel cleaner. I found it difficult to stay raw during our family camping trip, some days eating chips out of laziness. I have noticed how addictive cooked foods really are. I would like to learn more ways to combine a raw lifestyle with family, meals out etc
I really want to step it up so I can feel amazing.
I done it! I took a brave leap of faith and signed up for the Garden Diet Raw Program.
Today is my first day. I started off this morning with freshly squeezed orange and grapefruit juice
It was delicious.
Lunch I had mixed leaves, half an avocado, olive oil, celtic sea salt and pumkin seeds. I had to improvise as I did not manage to get all items on the already prepared shopping list.
I have practised two hours Tai Chi this morning and I am teaching for two hours tonight.
I am going to do Jules 13 minute workout after I have finished typing this and then prepare dinner of Guacamole Without Jicama as I could not get any. Going to substitute with apple.

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