Yay! I completed The Six Pack Revolution!

I did it! I completed the #sixpackrevolution 75-day challenge 💪

Thank you to my dear friend Marty Pridge for inspiring me to take the leap, and thanks to Scott Harrison for your amazing programme and continuous support and to my beautiful family and friends for your encouragement and belief in me as always ❤️

I was reluctant to give the Six Pack Revolution a try because of the name, I am not a fan of a Six Pack, being completely honest.

After my initial Yuk moment, I am not a fan of a Six-Pack and have never wanted one. I thought it was a diet, and personally, I don’t like diets. I feel they are mentally, physically, and emotionally unhealthy in every way! I mean, the word “DIET” contains the word “DIE.” This is so much more than a Focus on achieving a Six-Pack.

Anyhow, I digress… After my initial reaction, I researched and found a YouTube interview with Scott Harrison, who shared his story with Dr Alka Patel.  Check it out here.

I was moved, intrigued, and delighted as this concept sounded beautiful. A mindful approach to eating your way healthy combines The Law of Attraction and Physical Exercise with group Support and Coaching.

The biggest Win is that the Six Pack Revolution is Vegan and gluten-free friendly. I have been Vegan for twelve years and gluten-free for eight years (I think).

Everything I encompass in my life needs a Holistic approach, which Scott has nailed. Scott has helped so many people transform their lives, and I am one of them.

I have applied my own philosophies and listened to my body every step of the way.

I am fifty-two post-menopausal and twelve years vegan; I feel fitter and stronger than ever. Do not hold yourself back or give up because of your age, menopause, or any other reason. If I can do it! So can you!

I have signed up for another 75 days 🤩

There is a story with the Lilies…. Scott is a great believer in the Law of Attraction and message from beyond, he shares his own stories about this.

On my final day, Friday, I popped into M&S to buy a few bits on my way home. They were about to close, and when I got to the till, a staff member asked me if I would like the lilies they were a beautiful bunch of flowers, even though I am not a fan of cut flowers. I immediately felt emotional, knowing this was a message and gift from my Mum in Spirit. I will share my lilie story with you…..

When my Mum passed to Spirit twenty-seven years ago, her room was full of flowers, including lilies.

During her last few days, she moaned at me about the flowers. She said, “Why is everyone buying me flowers? I’m not dead yet” Her humour got her through her toughest times. She wasn’t a fan of cut flowers either, which probably didn’t help.

When I went to visit my Mum at the mortuary, the aroma of Lilies filled the air. I was informed they use lilies as they smell similar to death, so they cover the smell of death in the mortuary. I am not sure if that is true!

After my Mum passed, I got my first tattoo in honour of her and my journey through her loss. You may have guessed it: I chose beautiful lilies and a few other smaller flowers around the lilies. Even though I had chosen lilies as the main flowers for my tattoo, for many years, I was not a fan of the scent of lilies or my connection to that scent. Then something changed, and I started to love the smell of lilies, their beautiful, delicate aroma, and appearance.

So, receiving a beautiful free bunch of lilies in M&S on the last day of my challenge is so significant for me. I truly know our loved ones in Spirit reach out to us where they can.

My Mum didn’t leave it there, though. On day 76, our photo day after the challenge had ended, I was putting on my make-up to prepare for my photos and felt I needed some music. I opened Spotify, and the first song I saw in my suggested songs of the day was a mix version of P Diddy. I’ll be missing you with my Mum’s absolute hero and hunk, Sting.

I’ll Be Missing You” is based on the number-one hit “Every Breath You Take” by The Police, written by the band’s frontman, Sting. This song was repeatedly played on the radio when my Mum passed away in August 1997. The words mean so much to me; this song has helped me through many times.

I’ve had amazing support from my family, friends, Scott, and his team during my journey. These beautiful messages from my Mum really were the icing on the cake (Pun intended)

I have signed up for the intensive package for another 75 days and will do my best to blog more often during this one.

Here are my photos

The first photo is of me in my blue dress, which was taken 11 years ago at my Sister’s wedding; I used this as my inspiration photo.

Six Pack Revolution challenge before and after photo of Stella Stella dressed in shorts and top on a sunny day in the garden with her arms in the air happy. Stella in a blue dress her inspiration photoStella in the sun wearing a blue dress A bunch of white liles in a white vase

Much Love

Stella x





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